Sunday, November 8, 2009


RANCH: It is a house in a country. It is similar to a farm (I spook with people that been in a ranch in the weekend).

DEER: It is an animal that lives in the country and has antlers ( I spook with people that saw a deer in a country near of the ranch).

SKUNK: It is black and white animal that smells horrible when fell that could be attached.( I was speaking with people that take pictures of a skunk in a country near to a ranch).

DELIGHT: It is something enjoyable (people that told me that really enjoy the weekend in a ranch).

SEAHORSE: It is a fish that looks like a horse (I was speaking with somebody that have a sea horse in a fish tank).

BOBCAT: It is a wild cat and it is bigger than domestic cats. (I heard that in the country there could be bobcats).

Thursday, November 5, 2009



The new is about the Kenya and the International Criminal Court, that investigate the crimes against humanity were committed during Kenya`s post-election violence last year.

The trouble started when allies of president Kibaki ignore widespread evidence of ballot fraud and declared him the winner of the presidential. High-rankig government ministers were accused by human rights groups of masterminding the violence. Many of the killing happened in front of police officers and the politician has ever been prosecuted for corruption in Kenya.


I think that it is weird that international court to take part (hat is not common), but Kenya sang a international pact of International Criminal Court.

Is interesting that others countries take intervention whit law and not use wars for change the situation in Kenya. That is good.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


WHAT IS GOING ON: What are you doing. How is everything. Was somebody speaking on the phone.

BUDDY: friend. two guys said hello: “Hey buddy”.

GET A GRIP: control yourself. (I heard that in a movie)

CURTAIN: blocks out the sun and they are on the windows.(In a mall)

RAINCOAT: It is a coat for the rain.( In the mall

BLOODY MARY: It is a drink with alcohol ( In a bar)