Monday, October 26, 2009
Budget: bag, wallet, dim. of OF. boge, bouge, leather bag.
Waterfall: A fall, or perpendicular descent, of the water of a river or stream, or a descent nearly perpendicular; a cascade; a cataract.
Chemical :adjective Pertaining to chemistry; characterized or produced by the forces and operations of chemistry; employed in the processes of chemistry; as, chemical changes; chemical combinations.
Devoted: adjective Consecrated to a purpose; strongly attached; zealous; devout; as, a devoted admirer.
Symptom: Any affection which accompanies disease; a perceptible change in the body or its functions, which indicates disease, or the kind or phases of disease; as, the causes of disease often lie beyond our sight, but we learn their nature by the symptoms exhibited. Like the sick man, we are expiring with all sorts of good symptoms. - 2. A sign or token; that which indicates the existence of something else; as, corruption in elections is a symptom of the decay of public virtue.
Waterway Heavy plank or timber extending fore and aft the whole length of a vessel's deck at the line of junction with the sides, forming a channel to the scuppers, which are cut through it. In iron vessels the waterway is variously constructed
I think that it is important that the government federal make regulations specifically about the power plant discharges into waterways or landfills. It is incredible that Power plants are the nation’s biggest producer of toxic waste, surpassing industries like plastic and paint manufacturing and chemical plants.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Its incredible that the newspaper New York Times gives much importance to Maradona ( the coach of Argentina`s soccer team), when there are other important facts that are happening in Argentina now. For example, the change of law in the comunication (news) effects from the economy of the country, and the loss of the value of the currency.The Argentine government did inversions for the soccer team so that the games are on free channels to distract the attention of the people, and in USA there is only one notice about Argentina and it is about the soccer team.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Today was very good, I met my classmates and my professor. I like Austin very much. My favorite food in Austin is the mexican food.